Hi crafty friends i just wanted to let you know that i can not comment on many of your blogs.I thought it was my computer but most of you are having this problem as well.If any of you find the problem please help me out.
Hi! I have been having the same problem. I just changed how my comments are, it used to be embedded under my post, can you pop over and see if you can leave one now, I changed it to a pop up window! Thanks! :) Carri~abusybee www.doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com
Hi! I have been having the same problem. I just changed how my comments are, it used to be embedded under my post, can you pop over and see if you can leave one now, I changed it to a pop up window! Thanks! :)
I have the same trouble too from time to time. I just do what I can to try and leave a comment.
I'm sorry, that can be frustrating. I haven't ran into any problems yet, knock on wood. I hope it gets fixed quickly :)
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